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Secretariat Office (estimated number of personnel: 11 persons): Take care of the documents, archives, legal system, news contact, research, affairs, cashier, procurement, etc. of the HAC and other matters.

Duties and Scope of Responsibilities of the Secretariat Office

Job Title

Estimated No. of Personnel

Work Item


  1. Handles the business affairs of the Secretariat Office.
  2. Other tasks assigned.
27026141 ext.310
  1. Legal affairs (appeals, consumer protection and sexual harassment prevention).
  2. Researches and studies (complaints and petitions, mayor’s office documented cases, review of public documents, overdue public documents survey analysis).
  3. Executive, business, and municipal level meetings.
  4. Governance plan, city council work report, policy execution reports.
  5. Strategic mapping of the HAC, KM planning promotion of the City.
  6. Gender mainstreaming affairs, etc.
  7. Manages the publications' business.
  8. Other tasks assigned.
27026141 ext.318
Section Member
  1. Manages the assets and properties of the HAC (filing of monthly, semi-annual, annual reports, entry or registration of assets into accounts, transfer, asset retirement, asset inventory, financial system maintenance).
  2. Handles cleaning operations of the centers and hall.
  3. Vehicle management business.
  4. Auctions and write-offs of the Shwoo website.
  5. General affairs of the bureau (energy conservation, paper reduction, joint funeral service, education, and training, etc.)
  6. Other tasks assigned.
27026141 ext.325
Section Member
  1. Procurement needs of the HAC.
  2. Human resources and accounting liaison. 
  3. Oversees municipal-level affairs (healthy city project, aging-friendly city project, etc.)
  4. Other tasks assigned.
27026141 ext.322
Contract Employee
  1. Expenditures (employee salary, various expenses, issuance of invoices and receipts, daily and monthly reports and balance explanation report, voucher payments, creation of daily cash balance report and budget, annual revenue and expenditure voucher operations).
  2. Various types of insurance premiums (including public insurance, labor insurance, health insurance, and supplementary premiums), withholding income tax calculation and payment.
  3. Petty cash management and reimbursement of transportation expenses.
  4. Supports the concurrent human resources management operations: taking out and transfer of various kinds of insurance and pension funds and other related matters.
  5. Other tasks assigned.
27026141 ext.326

Senior Clerk

  1. File management (including annual file destruction, file identification, and filing room management)
  2. The regular creation of a file and archive reports and submission.
  3. Annual inventory of confidential files.
  4. Supplies management.
  5. Other tasks assigned.
Contract Technician
  1. Water and electricity of the hall, centers, and offices.
  2. Public safety and security guards’ services of the hall, centers, and offices.
  3. The hall, centers, and offices' public safety and inspection of valid documents and reporting, etc.
  4. Maintenance and repair of the hall, centers, and offices.
  5. The hall, centers, and offices’ inspection and maintenance services for the air-conditioning systems, audio and broadcasting systems, communication systems, elevators, monitors, fire-fighting equipment, etc.
  6. Disaster prevention, environmental protection (including environmental education), energy conservation, and nursing room management.
  7. Alternative service supervision and management.
  8. The purchase of environmentally friendly goods and products from handicapped welfare care facilities of less than NT$100,000.
  9. Other tasks assigned.
Mr. Chen
  1. Drives for the chief. 
  2. Maintains the cleanliness of official vehicles.
  3. Other tasks assigned.
27026141 ext.316
Technical Worker
Ms. Ma
  1. Overall document receiving and release (proofreading of official documents before release, assisting in the research and handling of the timeliness of the official documents and random inspection).
  2. Handles the organization’s mailbox, singular case appeal acceptance and release, monitoring printing
  3. Jointly handles the human resource registration desk.
  4. Supports and handles human resource matters, including:
  5. Duty and attendance (including project overtime registration) maintenance and management.
  6. Handles work related to the chief’s leaves.
  7. Citizens’ Travel Card system maintenance.
  8. Health inspection system data maintenance.
  9. Assists in the training and enrollment of colleagues at Taipei e-Campus.
  10. Calculation of overtime hours, supervision and control of overtime fees.
  11. Coordination on insurance matters for group insurance paid by the city government.
  12. Assists new employees in reporting for duty.
  13. Adjustment of labor insurance every 3 months.
  14. Consumables management.
  15. Cleans and maintains the upkeep of the public areas (3rd floor of the Hall).
  16. Other tasks assigned.
27026141 ext.321
Maintenance Worker
Ms. Zhang
  1. Accounting Office registration desk (including issuance and proofreading of official documents).
  2. Assists in the Accounting Office’s related work:                                         
  3. Organizes and maintains the cleanliness of the accounting office and public area (Hall’s 4th floor).
  4. Applies for transport fees and write-offs for the secretariat office and males in military service.
  5. Handles paperwork and matters concerning monthly rotation of males in military service. 
  6. Other tasks assigned.
27026141 ext.308
Maintenance Worker
Ms. Chen
  1. Handles the registration desk for the offices of the First Section, Second Section, Secretariat, Government Ethics, Senior Executive Officer and Chief Secretary.
  2. Mails letters, records and writes-off postage.
  3. Records and write-offs monthly electricity, telecom, and photocopying expenses.
  4. Manages the HAC’s warehouse, where publications are stored.
  5. Organizes and maintains the cleanliness of the senior-level officers on the 3rd floor.
  6. Organizes and maintains the cleanliness of the public area (the Hall’s 2nd floor).
  7. Other tasks assigned.
27026141 ext.323